The internet was invented to watch a guy score a world record for the most t-shirts worn at one time. OK, that’s just a theory...
[Via Kottke.]
If you want to find out what Google is not... well, there’s no better place to look than the Uncyclopedia entry on Google. (Oh, and try searching Uncyclopedia for google...)
[Thanks Sankar Anand, who found it at!]
Brian Mingus took some notes on Googler Peter Norvig’s recent talk at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Included was this inside joke:
Enter “cat” and “dog” into Google Sets. Now enter “cat” and “more”.
Also, Ionut has two pics that explain a bit of Google’s Q&A, and points to the presentation video.
Google in cooperation with the Frankfurt Book Fair and UNESCO has launched the Literacy Project, basically just a microsite dedicated to advertising off some of Google’s tools in the context of education.
[Thanks Manoj Nahar and Corsin Camichel!]
This ain’t the first ever Google logo built using Lego bricks, but it’s one of the bigger ones... and comes complete with a Making Of photo series. [Thanks Amanda W.!]
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