I always found Gmail’s font size for mails a bit too small for comfortable reading – and since I read a lot in Gmail, I wanted to optimize it. While I can adjust the font size in Firefox using View -> Text size -> Increase, I don’t like to change all web pages. If you also want to increase the Gmail font size in Firefox, here’s how you can achieve it:
Basically what you did is add a line to the user stylesheet which overrides some CSS classes Google defined for Gmail. (Since Gmail might change their class names, a more long-lived solution may be crafted by installing the URLid extension.) Navigation items such as labels or anything else keep their old font size, though with a bit of tweaking you can change almost anything... including the actual font used, colors, and so on.
*You may need to use your local folder names if you run a non-English OS. Also see information on finding the profile folder on other systems.
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