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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Larry Page On AI

Larry Page talked about artificial intelligence [Video] at the annual conference of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (keep in mind that Google wants to build the world’s top AI lab, according to their internal goals):

My prediction is that when AI happens, it’s going to be a lot of computation, and not so much clever blackboard/ whiteboard kind of stuff, clever algorithms. But just a lot of computation.

My theory is that, if you look in your own programming, your DNA, it’s about 600 Megabytes compressed... so it’s smaller than any modern operating system. Smaller than Linux, or Windows, or anything like that, your whole operating system. That includes booting up your brain, right, by definition. And so, your program algorithms probably aren’t that complicated, it’s probably more about the overall computation. That’s my guess.

We have some people at Google who really try to build artificial intelligence, and to do it in a large scale. (...) You know, to do a perfect job of search, you can ask any query, and we’d give you the perfect answer, and that would be artificial intelligence, right. Based on everything being on the web, which is a pretty close approximation. (...)

I don’t think it’s that far off as people think.

[Thanks Siggi and Miel!]


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