Google Blogoscoped

Friday, April 13, 2007

Google AdSense Login Redesign

Several of you are seeing a redesigned login page for Google AdSense. I can’t reproduce this myself, but the changes make sense; the claim is now less promotional and more facts oriented*, and the introduction text is much less verbose, more to the point. Also, the whole page received a design overhaul that makes it look more fresh, and the explanatory image has been zoomed to a level which allows you to better make out details. Below the main content area, Google added what seems to be a dynamic mini-FAQ... quick tabbed answers to the basic questions people might have in regards to the program.

GeckoFly ponders: “Could this possibly be the default layout for all Google Services? Gmail? Google Doc and others? Time will tell.”

*Well, the “relevant ads” part of the claim (“earn money from relevant ads on your website”) is disputable... AdSense works for some types of content but can get pretty bad for other types of content...

[Thanks Jon Henshaw and GeckoFly! Image of new design above by Jon.]


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