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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Google Homepage Without JS

Andrew emailed this question: “What happened to the Google search engine last week, I can’t see the buttons for image and news what changed?” After we emailed back and forth, it turns out that for security reasons, JavaScript had been disabled in Andy’s browser. Without JavaScript, the corner navigation won’t load anymore (see screenshot). This seems to be a new level of inaccessibility in Google homepage designs, but then again, pragmatically speaking without JavaScript you just won’t get very far online in the first place these days...

[Thanks Andy F.!]

AdSense Sandbox

Blogger Amit Agarwal released the Google AdSense Sandbox, a quick & easy tool where you enter some keywords or your URL, to then see a page full of samples of Google AdSense ads that might show for these words/ this URL. [Thanks Amit!]

YouTube Comedy Contest

Google-owned YouTube has launched the Sketchies (a [cheesy?] name in-tune with “Bloggies” or “Webby”). Your objective is to create a ~3-minute long sketch comedy video and upload it to YouTube by end of May. If YouTube voters as well as a selected jury like your video, your crew is then requested to uploaded yet another video in the series, and so on until you have the chance to be the final winner of the 3rd round, announced on July 12th. (If usual YouTube copyright restrictions apply, I guess I’ll upload something from Monty Python. Just kidding!)

[Thanks Vanessa F.!]


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