Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Microsoft Attacks Google Apps
Microsoft issued a series of questions customers of the Google Apps framework (like Google Calendar, Gmail, and Google Docs) should ask. Microsoft is of course a biased critic, also being a competitor in the office niche, but some of their items raise questions worth asking. Other arguments contain holes themselves. Here’s the full list of GAPE (Google Apps Premier Edition) criticism:
- Microsoft asks: How many enterprise users does GAPE really have?
- Google often releases incomplete products to then issue incremental improvements without any official schedule – this is not what enterprise users want, says Microsoft.
- Microsoft argues Google says GAPE is a low cost office option, but if enterprises still need to support MS Office, they will then actually have additional costs and complexity.
- Google makes most of their revenue via ads, with other services only on the 1% fringe, says Microsoft, wondering if Google will shut down their office products line if it doesn’t generate the right revenue.
- Microsoft says Google Apps are mostly usable for non-power users and have less features than MS Office tools. Also, they mostly require the company to be always-online.
- Google Apps “don’t have essential document creation features like support for headers, footers, table of content, footnotes etc.”.
- MS says that Google defines a downtime for Gmail (for which they promise 99.9% uptime) as over 10 consecutive minutes of being unreachable. What, MS asks, if Google is down for 7 minutes every hour of a day?
- Google’s direct tech support has limited opening hours. MS writes, “... M-F 1AM-6PM PST – are these the new hours of global business?”
- Microsoft writes that Google argues most people only use 10% of the features in today’s office products. Microsoft argues that however not everyone uses the same 10%.
- As Google rolls out features on a constant basis, Microsoft says customers lose control of planning the update, and also aren’t able to sufficiently train their employees.
[Via Search Engine Land.]
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