The Google UK homepage today show-cases the winner of the logo doodle contest – themed “My Future” – for students. The logo by 14-years old Claire Rammelkamp is titled “This or this?” and shows two variants of future earth; one destroyed (perhaps by global warming, pollution and/ or war), and one alive and green, powered by natural energy. The two “o” letters in the Google logo are formed by these two alternative futures, and the green “l” is a question mark.
The design is quite smart, and Claire wasn’t the only kid in the competition concerned about global warming. In fact, some of the kids, like Maeve Maurry, took an earth destroyed by global warming as a given, pondering where humanity might escape to to continue existing.
Google has a variety of efforts underway for a “clean energy future.” To learn more about the issue, you can get the DVD “An Inconvenient Truth” or watch the 11th Hour documentary in cinema, if available.
[Thanks Martin Porcheron!]
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