Google Blogoscoped

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Google’s Many Valentine’s Day Specials

Google is all dressed up for today’s occasion, Valentine’s Day. It’s the day where in many cultures couples and wanna-be-couples are expected to send a greeting to their loved one, causing sales spikes for greeting cards companies and probably chocolate and flower companies as well, and depression amongst some of the singles. Google today shows a special logo, linked to a search result for valentine’s day, showing an elderly couple walking dangerously close to what looks like a river ...

... a special Google Docs template in pink, for some countries, or accessible on a special URL (Martin in the forum: “Oooow, it hurts!”) ...

... a Google Maps Street View person on a heart platform ...

... and a heart-shaped YouTube logo:

[Thanks to everyone in the forum! Hebbet, Haochi, Tony, 4563214, Martin, Zim, Pau, Mrrix32, Colin!]


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