Google is all dressed up for today’s occasion, Valentine’s Day. It’s the day where in many cultures couples and wanna-be-couples are expected to send a greeting to their loved one, causing sales spikes for greeting cards companies and probably chocolate and flower companies as well, and depression amongst some of the singles. Google today shows a special logo, linked to a search result for valentine’s day, showing an elderly couple walking dangerously close to what looks like a river ...
... a special Google Docs template in pink, for some countries, or accessible on a special URL (Martin in the forum: “Oooow, it hurts!”) ...
... a Google Maps Street View person on a heart platform ...
... and a heart-shaped YouTube logo:
[Thanks to everyone in the forum! Hebbet, Haochi, Tony, 4563214, Martin, Zim, Pau, Mrrix32, Colin!]
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