Google Blogoscoped

Monday, April 14, 2008

Search Engine Market Shares in Russia

ComScore released an overview of search engine usage in Russia. According to the study, which excludes traffic from internet cafes and mobile phones as well as users below the age of 15, Yandex is the leading search property with 47.4% of the share of searches, “Google sites” are second at 31.2%, and Rambler Media is third at 9.7%. Note that these figures may not be representative of all internet users; ComScore recruits participants for their stats by a package including security software and sweepstakes prizes, an offer which e.g. may or may not be as attractive to tech geeks.

I wonder how well the quality of search results at really is. A search for [google blogoscoped], for instance, does not return this blog in the top 10. It may be its strength is the Russian web and the English web is ranked less well; if anyone knows more, please comment.

[Thanks Yakov and Jamie!]

Show Off Your Google App Engine Apps

SanderQD in the forum started an interesting thread: show off your Google App Engine apps*. If you created something at, please add your pointer and a description of the program. If you have a link to the source to share for others to take a look and learn, even better. [Thanks SanderQD!]

*Also see the App Engine homepage.


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