As Digital Inspiration noticed, Google on their Page Creator About page says:
We are no longer accepting new sign-ups for Page Creator because we have shifted our focus to developing Google Sites, which offers many of the capabilities of Page Creator along with new features like site-level navigation, site-level headers, control over who can see and edit your site, and rich embeddings like calendars, videos, and Google docs.
Google Page Creator is or was Google’s general web page creation program (Google also offers Knol to create knowledge articles, and Blogger to start a blog; other tools of theirs, like Google Documents, can output a webpage too). In a closed help group thread on the subject, Google states:
Page Creator has always been a Google Labs project (Labs is our “technology playground” where we let users test-drive experimental products and give us feedback so we can innovate more quickly). Since launching Page Creator in Labs, we’ve learned a lot and have incorporated those lessons into Google Sites. We think the Labs program, which allows users to try new things before they’re fully baked, lets us innovate faster and ultimately create the best possible products.
User AndrĂ© Banen, who’s very helpful in the Google help groups, tells me, “Personally I’m not very happy with this decision. Google Page Creator offered me the possibility to enter JavaScript code into web pages and to use iframes to embed content, something that Google Sites currently [won’t] allow.”
[Hat tip to Ken B., André and Friendfeed.]
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