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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Google Offers Services to Bloggers at Political Conventions

The Wall Street Journal writes:

Google Inc. will help set up a two-story, 8,000 square-foot headquarters for hundreds of bloggers descending on the Democratic convention in Denver next week, and it will offer similar services at the Republican convention in September, as new media gain influence in politics. (...)

Not only will bloggers have Internet access, workspaces and couches for napping in the “Big Tent” headquarters, they will be provided food and beverages, Google-sponsored massages, smoothies and a candy buffet. On the final night of the convention, Google is co-sponsoring a bash with Vanity Fair magazine for convention-goers and journalists that has become one of the hottest party invites.

More on the Democratic and Republican National Convention can be found at Wikipedia. I get the feeling everything to do with political personalities and minutiae of “the race” is already over-covered in much of media, pushing aside the political issues.

Tags: massages smoothies candy buffet

[Via Techmeme.]


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