Saturday, May 2, 2009
Integrating AdSense In Your Google Analytics Stats

Here’s how you can integrate AdSense revenue and top content information into your Google Analytics dashboard for your site. This makes for very helpful information:
- Log-in to Google AdSense. As a news item, you should see a link “Integrate your AdSense account with Google Analytics”. Click this link and check all the sites presented to you.
- You will be presented with a bunch of code snippets which you are asked to insert into your pages where you run AdSense and Analytics. You need to place this code above your AdSense and your Analytics code on the page. It is not necessary to insert this code onto your primary domain you defined for the linking. (You can access the code later on from Google Analytics, by clicking “Edit AdSense linking settings” on the overview page.)
- Now you need to wait a bit for this to become active. I’ve waited a couple of days and it shows now; not sure exactly how long this typically takes.
- Later on, log-in to Google Analytics. Select your site, and then click Content -> AdSense. You should now see the revenues for the last time period as well as the top pages when it comes to ad revenues. Click on “Add to Dashboard" for both the AdSense Overview page as well as the “Top AdSense Content” page.
- You now have the info on your dashboard, and can check your AdSense revenue for a given site at a glance. Neat, I think!
The only thing that’s missing in Google Analytics that could be generally helpful would be to have the option to show all of your sites’ stats in a single overview page, similar to how you can check the charts for any particular site (not the way the sites overview page is currently presented in Analytics). This way, you could also track your top-performing AdSense page across all your sites, if you have multiple.
[Screenshot from Google Analytics blog.]
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