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Monday, December 7, 2009

Google’s Site Performance Tool

The Google Webmaster Tools now include a site speed testing tool. You can find it at Labs → Site performance. Ironically enough, two of the speed problems Google determined with one of my sites were 1) Google Analytics and 2) Google AdSense! The Site performance analyzer said “The domains of the following URLs only serve one resource each. If possible, avoid the extra DNS lookups by serving these resources from existing domains”, listing Google Analytics and AdSense – plus, “Compressing the following resources with gzip” is printed for Google Analytics. Well, at least they’re honest. And Google’s JohnMu in the forum adds, “Give the new async Analytics script a try :-)” (see explanation).

Now I want an even smarter tool that tells me something about the quality of my site. “Dear user: Your site downloads in a blasting zero point one seconds. Additionally, we’ve determined it’s utterly useless to anyone living on this planet.” Hmm, on second thoughts...



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