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Google Does NOT Want you To Know The Term Existed Before 1999 [PersonRank 10]

Sunday, August 19, 2007
17 years ago2,583 views

Aha! Gotcha!

Do a search on the Google NEWS archives for the term 'GOOGLE' – you will discover that they no longer display default searches before 1999 for the term GOOGLE, (but for other terms the older archives are still searchable.)

But for history sake, the term GOOGLE has been around A LO-O-O-NG Time!! Here are some of the more interesting news items.

TOMHTML [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Don't we have already discussed about that here when Archive Search was launched?

BTW, I don't really understand the expression "google-eyed". Is is equal to "goggled"?

Carmen [PersonRank 0]

17 years ago #

Hmm, maybe "google-eyed" is a variaton of "googley-eyed" and I have seen that before (like "Don't go all googley-eye on me"). Usually it's used when someone's in love and their eyes have that apparent expression of extreme happiness or adoration.

"Goggled" seems to be more used for other emotions mostly for confusion. At least that's how it seems in the few stories I've read with that term.

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