Google Blogoscoped


Google Spammers  (View post)

PeterW [PersonRank 0]

Wednesday, September 28, 2005
19 years ago

At what point does this "mad mad world" come crashing down? Does the value of Google ultimately get discounted by this foolery? Call me cynical but something tells me that the mighty G may be turning a not-completely-blind-eye towards this issue. Just think of the $$$ flowing through this self-replicating money machine.

Damn – wish I'd thought of this way back when.

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

19 years ago #

You are right it might mean some money to Google in the end. But also, the loss of good reputation costs them a little – maybe more then the ads bring in. Call me naive, I can't imagine Google to like spammers using & abusing their system.

Natasha Robinson [PersonRank 1]

19 years ago #

As an early Blogger (Blogspot) user, at first it bothered me when spam blogs first started showing up because I loved Blogger. So I would send Google emails about the offenders. And what did I get in return? An automated email telling me: "Thanks, blah, blah, blah. We care about quality blah, blah, blah." Then I would check back a month later and the same blogs would be there (and are still there months later!). So why should I bother flagging blogs if they aren't going to do anything about it? Matter'o'fact using Google's own blog search you find the biggest offenders. As a test, I've flagged a few blogs with the new system... two weeks and counting... they're still there. I would think that this disregard for quality would encourage blog spammers.

You make an excellent point. If they aren't going to do anything about people abusing they're system why should I?

That Girl From Marketing

Tadeusz Szewczyk [PersonRank 10]

19 years ago #

I think the spammers who generate all that noise are still the problem not Google itsself "allowing" it , but, of course Google makes this business model possible in the first place and earns its share through Adsense. Adsense is very profitable if you look at how much you have to pay as an advertiser and how much the website owners get who host the ads. So I can imagine that Google does not care that much for filtering spam out as long as it pays.

I think there should be better mechanisms to check whether Adsense hosting sites have real not automated content. The linguistic software exists already so it must only be implemented. Besides, pages which consist of mainly Google Ads should be filtered out in the first place. That's even easier, it's just a matter of percentage.

Pat [PersonRank 0]

19 years ago #

Ironically enough this post showed up in Google Alerts for the keyword Google.

Gerald Steffens [PersonRank 1]

19 years ago #

schreib mal nen artikel mit einem einzigartigen begriff drin, oder zwei oder drei. und dann mach spaeter mal ne suche danach :)

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

19 years ago #

Gerald, ein bißchen habe ich ja die Hoffnung, dass der Satz "This post may end up on spam blogs." oder "Spam is like the aliens among us." jetzt auf diversen Spam blogs auftaucht :)

Noch ist auf nichts zu sehen...

[No sign of the first paragraph sentences of my posts on spam blogs yet on Google's blog search...]

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

19 years ago #

Ah, they don't copy the first sentence, but the one relating to the keyword

"Google Spammers" does appear on spam blogs already :)

levisu [PersonRank 1]

19 years ago #

You see Adsense is a major money cow for google. We all know Sblogs are evil, but one things they are good at is pulling clicks on google’s adsense. Sblogs are not born for fun, it’s born for money-making, Adsense is not born for being sblogs saint slayer, it’s born for money-making as much as sblogs do. To google’s interest, sblogs are a very efficient Adsense distribution platform if nothing else. Google can’t be serious to sblogs, so I guess we are all going to get used to the reality and live with it.

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

19 years ago #

Talk about copyright & splogs... Levisu, you're copying my full articles in your blog, longer ones, including all images, even including my logo. And then below the article, at this moment, you're linking the words "Google Blogoscoped" to your own blog. Other links, like the one linking my name, are broken. And then, of course, you plaster the whole thing with AdSense. That's clearly not fair use.

Just so you know, I removed all your signature links to from the forum.

levisu [PersonRank 1]

19 years ago #

Sorry, philipp. The reason I include your logo and name in it is that I want people know the excellent posts are written by you. I think since I copy the logo and your name directly from your blog, they must be linking to your blog. The reason why it links to mine, I guess, maybe is your're using relative urls. I now check its html code and rewrite them. Then Your name is linking your blog, Even the massive logo is linking your blog as well. By the way, collect your posts is because that I'm your hardcore fan, I want to make sure I'll keep some good articles for me to study and refer to. You know your blog host is not free, so just say one day, you stop paying for it or you are not here anymore, the blog will be offlines since it's not be paid for. The blog is only existing on the web. web is temporary.It's not a book. If the website disapears, the content disapears. That's why I like use blogspot to keep something meaningful for permanent purpose,Cause it's not just free and also google won't delete it even if you don't post the blog for ever. I know some blog hosts including AOL hometown will delete your blog if you don't post on it for 2 or 3 months. Typepad will delete your blog if you stopping paying for it.
when people see your article in my blog is just like some people heads some nice songs in friend's house,they feed it's damn good, ask about it, go and buy the ablums, and even become fans. They will all know a blog called Google Blogoscoped is simply awsome. If I really want to claim you post mine in my blog, I won't be stupid enough to copy your logo and name at first place, cause it's just planly embaarssing myself if I want to cheat. The huge logo is just like a huge poster of an ablum, and people will know what artist sings that song. Sorry to let you feel mistreated.Please forgive me with your kindness and generoucity. Cause I'm really a hard core fans of yours and follow your blog daily.
Sincerely yours

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

19 years ago #

Levisu, thanks for fixing the links and thanks for reading this blog. I prefer in the future you don't copy my blog posts fully, or if you do, that you ask for permission first. As for backups, I do make backups, and I'm hoping to let the content here last as long as I can.

levisu [PersonRank 1]

19 years ago #

Thanks philipp for so kindly undestanding my true thoughts. I surely will ask your permission first next time. But please do be kind and generous to me if I do have such an enquiry.Thank you.

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