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Magellan and Google partner for GPS local listings

Colin Colehour [PersonRank 10]

Sunday, January 6, 2008
17 years ago3,440 views

<< Magellan Navigation Inc. has teamed with Internet powerhouse Google Inc. to put local business listings on its first portable navigation device to feature wireless connectivity.

The Magellan Maestro Elite 5340+GPRS, being unveiled at next week's International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, will be among the first in a new crop of global positioning system devices to sport GPRS cellular capability.

... users of the Maestro featuring Google Local Search can type "pizza" into the device and then Google will display its relevant results, including Web-based recommendations, around the user's specified or current location, Magellan said. >>

This sounds pretty cool but its going to have a $1,299 price tag when it is released.

Mrrix32 [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

[Moved from "GPS with added Google" – Tony]

James Xuan [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

[Moved from "GPS with added Google" – Tony]

wow, cool, i always find ,y garmin's search lacking.

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