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a google maniac.. [PersonRank 1]

Monday, January 21, 2008
16 years ago3,590 views

lol! the best thing i 've seen today..!
You did a great job here..
Keep it up.. ;)

Mrrix32 [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

GoogleGoogle could be a quite useful product :-)

a google maniac.. [PersonRank 1]

16 years ago #

indeed.. :P

Ianf [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

« Google Cat. Allows users to share discovered cats with one another and to send cat pictures to any mobile phone number. »

Quick! wake up before some evil "catsy" Cruella DeVille glooms onto and monetizes the concept... this has loooots of potential. Combine it with an automatic cat-face/cat-figure recognition robot crawler, and we have a winner! Save for the name, that is ["Cat" = a catalog in geeky parlance], so how about "Google Felinet"[tm] ?

(picture off very cat-friendly

Mrrix32 [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

OMG You found a photo of a cat without the word 1337 speak on it!!

CaféAvec [PersonRank 1]

16 years ago #

I was asked if I had a gay male account once. Non-intended pun due to the guy's English. Made me smile every time I logged in to my mail that month, lol

jacques [PersonRank 0]

16 years ago #

GoogleGoogle is a must!!!! I demand this product right now!!!

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