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Spam, Spam, Spam  (View post)

Alex Dorph [PersonRank 1]

Thursday, November 10, 2005
19 years ago

Sandy: Some good info.. (sorry just kidding).

Yeah I thought this was actually a post about spam... :)

Which is a potted meat I love. What I dont get about the spammers is, how much effort do they put into it? Compared to how much money they get back?

If you have a blog, I think you really should make it about something you enjoy... Not to make 50 cents a week by plugging things.

Thomas Hofmann [PersonRank 1]

19 years ago #

I thonk the issue is not the comparison of input and output but if is economic enough for them. And it seems it is. :-(
best greetings, Thomas

Robert Marshall [PersonRank 1]

19 years ago #

Heh. I had exactly the same reaction when I received "Marshall: read this" yesterday. So it seems it does work. :|

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

19 years ago #

> but if is economic enough for
> them. And it seems it is

And just a few days ago I read a lengthy article in German "Spiegel" about people who fell for Nigerian bank account spammers. Those people actually paid hundreds of thousands of dollars... (one lady who got ripped off now tries to help others in similar cases, but she didn't see her money back as well as of today).

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