Whatever happened to the world’s youngest videoblogger, Dylan? She got her own “Dylan Show” now and moved from Blogspot to DylanVerdi.com.
“Digg” is another Wikipedia entry which has been deleted (repeatedly), and there’s some discussion on that going on in the talk-page. Do websites have a right to get their own entry on Wikipedia?
Also see Digg.com.
Yet another search engine’s for sale... I’ll be surprised if this one will sell for as much as Jux2 did a while ago. [Thanks Ben R.]
Information overflow: MonitorThis allows you to create an OPML file (which you can then import into RSS readers like Google Reader) for any search term. The list of feeds will cover tag engines or search engines like Technorati, del.iciou.s, and Google News, all related to the term you entered. [Via Steve Rubel.]
Alan started a blog on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk and his projects with it. Alan says, “I’ve long been a fan of distributed work projects and this blog will detail my experiences on this exciting new opportunity brought to us from Amazon.”
This is a blog from the Worker side of the Mechanical Turk. It would be interesting if there’d be a blog on the Requester (developer) side of it...
Funny. I received spam all day in the form of “Sandy: useful information”, “Jesse: good news”, or “Ivan: time to think about it” and have been busy deleting all those. Now when I got a mail reading “Philip: time to let you know”... I actually opened it curiously to read. Whatever this spammer is trying to pull off, it seems to be working...
Eric Lebeau has some funny Google News screenshots... I don’t think you need to understand French to get these.
So, I’m now a co-blogger at Performancing – all about making money with blogs and becoming a pro-blogger – and you’ll find some of my writing and that of the other great guys there in the future.
Usually I don’t announce new sites before they go live, but I’m needing your help on this one before it’s public. If you want to be featured on my new project, send me your portrait photo and blog URL. The photo and your name will appear in public, on the site. You’ll hear news about the site here soon.
Email to philipp.lenssen@gmail.com.
Update: English blogs only at this moment please. I’m considering doing different languages in the future, but I want to start with English.
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