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Google Gadgets for Linux  (View post)

Yannick [PersonRank 1]

Wednesday, June 4, 2008
16 years ago4,386 views

Google announced Gadgets for Linux here ( and here(

With this they have the first cross platform gadget engine. Cool to see that they are going the open source way

Above 1 comments were made in the forum before this was blogged,

LMZ [PersonRank 1]

16 years ago #

there are tooooooooo many dependencies....

Yannick [PersonRank 1]

16 years ago #

Well it leverages what's already there... once it's 1.0 I am sure you can just grab a .deb or so or enter one command and it will take care of the rest

Stephan Locher [PersonRank 9]

16 years ago #

How long will it take until google mail and other services are open source? This would be great:
You could benefit from the software without the privacy problems arised when you have your mail data stored on a foreign server.

Ionut Alex. Chitu [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

Should I remind you that Gmail is a web application that runs on Google's servers and releasing the code wouldn't mean almost anything for most users?

Lalalala Polly [PersonRank 0]

16 years ago #

Should I remind you that others companies have servers that can also host Gmail? [PersonRank 0]

16 years ago #

And in other news... this will be what your home screen will look like on an Android handset. Imagine all the gadgets you could have running without opening an application. Sports scores, stock tickers, eBay watching, weather, etc.

[Unlinked – Tony]

Yannick [PersonRank 1]

16 years ago #

Hey android guys, I've just read this idea on your page... and me and my buddy have talked about this before. It's probably a natural step, isn't it? I already thought about porting some gadgets to android, but hmm, if they will run there anyways I might as well try something new:)

Satan [PersonRank 6]

16 years ago #

[put at-character here]Stephan Locher – I feel you on the privacy thing. Satan likes his mail private, naturally. I do prefer, however, that my mail is stored on Google's ultra-reliable servers. It would be cool if they offered encryption built-in.

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