I am shocked... A couple of years ago I sent Larry Brilliant from Google.org a preprint of my research on the correlation of searches on Google and Flu symptoms (published in 2006 here: http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1839505) and asked for funding. No acknowledgements on their site... |
Gunther Eysenbach Interesting comment, indeed! |
Hi Gunther, I see your paper is listed as a reference in the manuscript (along with several others): http://www.google.org/about/flutrends/manuscript.pdf
At any rate, I think this is a really neat idea and would love to see it extended to outside of the US. |
This comment on the Official Google CPG Blog interested me:
<< Reading the New York Times over lunch I discovered that Google has developed an interesting way to track the flu. >> http://google-cpg.blogspot.com/2008/11/flu-knew.html
Doesn't Google announce things internally via an email to all employees? Or does it just rely on employees to read the many blogs or the Intranet?
Just wondering... |
It's quite hard to keep track of all developments internally in Google – there are too many developments. There is stuff announced on internal lists but most stuff is found out through external announcements. There is one weekly opportunity to hear about particularly interesting developments but I reveal too much already |
[put at-character here]Gunther Eysenbach
I guess you have to be happy with the citation! Too bad that google.org isn't as ethical as it could be. |
> I guess you have to be happy with the citation!
What more would one expect if one sends out an unsolicited suggestion? |
Tony The Google behind Google Calculator said once that they sometimes were surprised to learn that a product had been launched when one stranger just referred to it (while they though it was still secret) |
What a great idea! I think an animated heat map of trends over a set time period would be fascinating to watch.
Imagine the other uses it could be applied to – USA Paris Hilton trends etc. |
I saw this on the CBS Evening News here in the UK
Google knows before the government :P |