Where we finally understand who actually searches for Sarkozy in Google :-) |
I don't see it. Could it be just a style sheet glitch? |
Is that one of Google's prototypical tests? Who else sees it? |
PierreS I always use this name to test results in non-French search engine: I know what to expect, I can easily distinguish recent results from old ones, there're videos, images, news... but no product yet ;)
Philipp For a test, it's a fail: the first bullet appears weirdly at the second video result: http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/5074/oweird2to7.png
I'm seeing bullet lists in some searches as well. Looks strange. |
I do not see dots. Do you all use Google Chrome? What is the IP of the data center you queried? |
I'm on Chrome and don't see any bullet on Firefox 3.1 |
Could this in any way be related to the rollout of SearchWiki? http://blogoscoped.com/forum/143581.html#id145299
Andy Baio sees it too: http://www.flickr.com/photos/waxpancake/3047026720/ |