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Friendfeed adobe air-app

David Mulder [PersonRank 10]

Friday, March 13, 2009
15 years ago2,466 views

Even though I personally dislike friendfeed, I believe there are quite a number of people using it actively here, so thought I had share this:

Even though I haven't had time to experiment with adobe air, it practically means that anything a normal application can do can also be done by adobe air... feels kinda insecure as installing an adobe air app is far easier...

KARR [PersonRank 1]

15 years ago #

not to offence , just to ask u why dont like friendfeed (asking Just for curiosity)

hope u will reply me :)

Jérôme Flipo [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

I'm a big fan of Friendfeed (it has become one of my preferred news source), I hate the Air app. It's buggy (notifications appears in various places on my screen) and slow (you can't really interact with the items, you need to open a tab to comment each of them). It only make sense if you want to track a very small list of friends..And it takes a lot of memory too.

I stay with the web and iphone webpages, they both rock!

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