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Googlebot Can Execute JavaScript on Web Pages

SocialStreamm [PersonRank 1]

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
15 years ago3,425 views

Googlebot, the web spider that crawls web pages for inclusion in Google’s search index, can sometimes run JavaScript code as well in addition to fetching text content from a web page.


TOMHTML [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

I really like what Amit writes usually, but today I doubt he is true.

First of all, I think that every SEO knows for a while that googlebot is able to read JavaScript codes and decode URLs in. But not execute it, yet.

Moreover, it's already available to detect visits of search engines robots in Google Analytics, via a simple PHP hack ( in French)

It might be Google employees, who have set their user-agent to "googlebot" in order to detect cloaking. I've a big website (300.000 unique visitors/day) in Google Analytics and only 9 visits/day at maximum from "Googlebot". In addition, I doubt that Java is enbled for Google bot and that Analytics is able to say its screen resolution is 1440x900.

I'm gonna ask Amit to give us more informations via a custom segment.

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