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URL of Profiles images

Fr [PersonRank 3]

Thursday, March 26, 2009
16 years ago3,248 views

Hi, I was wondering HOW url of profils images were generated. So, I made some researches by myself. You'll see in this image what I learned :
Can you help me to understand ? Thx!

KMB [PersonRank 7]

16 years ago #

Sorry, can you translate to english.

Fr [PersonRank 3]

16 years ago #

Here the english version of the image :

I would really enjoy you help me guys (or girls)

TOMHTML [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

Who cares?

Vincent [PersonRank 0]

16 years ago #

In all likelihood, the token at the end of the URL is just a base64-encoded ciphered version of a structure that will contain the photo id.
I would be surprised if it wasn't something along that line, and if Google wasn't using some high-grade cipher algorithm, such as AES.

Which means, if I'm right, that the outer token you see in the URL just is a token with nothing to extract from (unless, obviously, you get access to the cipher key; but in that case, you would probably just have a look at the source code).

Fr [PersonRank 3]

16 years ago #

Thanks Vince ;)
I'll seek deeper because of your expertise and stay tuned you.

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