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google street view question

Mike [PersonRank 0]

Thursday, March 26, 2009
16 years ago3,326 views

Hi! I work as a 911 dispatcher and use a script that automatically opens google maps to a specific location by adding it to the url like -> 5th ave kirkland wa

I've been looking for a way to have it automatically open street view by adding something to the url but everything I've seen seems like I'd need the lat/long first. Does anyone know a way around it so I can have only the street address and be able to go right into street view without having to drag the icon over?

Thanks! :)

Callum Prentice [PersonRank 1]

16 years ago #

Take a look at the GClientGeocoder documentation. You'll need a Google API key to use it but that won't be an issue.

You can use GClientGeocoder to return a lat/long from an address.

Then, take a look at the Street View example code – several there that should you how to create a Street View from a lat/long.

Nice idea for an app – maybe telling your guys "It's a red house with a blue door" might save some time when they arrive at a location.

You might even have the app grab a shot and zap it to them (for various meaning of zap..) so they see what the place looks like too.

TOMHTML [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

<<Nice idea for an app – maybe telling your guys "It's a red house with a blue door" might save some time when they arrive at a location.>>

You're right, it looks to be a really good a idea :-)

Roger Browne [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

> maybe telling your guys "It's a red house with a blue door"
> might save some time when they arrive at a location

The locations are not always that accurate. This might end up sending the emergency crews next door.

Callum Prentice [PersonRank 1]

16 years ago #

I thought it would be fun to make this and almost got to the end when I found this:

Should be useful either as is or as a learning too.

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