Reto got a Google-colored border around his Blogoscoped member icon. I would like him to explain himself why :) |
hey hey, and I see on Google Hot Trends that an earthquake has just happened in California, so perhaps Reto will get many visitors on his mashups today.... Sorry I'm too sinical ^^
Congratulations Reto, I've learnt it was your first day at your new job today. |
How cool is that? Android-related, I presume. |
Hi guys!
Yep, I started at Google on Monday as the newest EMEA (Europe / Middle East / Africa) Android developer advocate. So now I get to talk about Android all day, everyday :)
Special mention goes to Philipp, who asked me to write 'How To Program Google Android' as a guest post a bit over a year ago – who knew where that would lead? |
Congratulations Reto! Well done!
Which Google offices will you bein? |
James: I'll be based in the London office.
I have a few friends in the Dublin offices, will you have much contact there do you think? |