What a job: http://www.reuters.com/article/internetNews/idUSTRE54C22R20090513
"Internet search engine Google said it would reshoot all Japanese pictures for its online photo map service, Street View, using lower camera angles after complaints about invasion of privacy.
Google's Street View, which offers 360-degree views of streets around the world using photos taken by cruising Google vehicles, has already run into privacy complaints in other countries and activists have tried to halt the service in Japan. ...." |
More information on official Google Japan blog http://googlejapan.blogspot.com/2009/05/blog-post_5855.html |
Thanks Tom, I added an update! |
Nice pictures, Tom. They are using Toyota, not Opel. Fine :) |
In Japan big probrem face Google is human rights issue GSV useing for discrimination Minority in Japan shown their home or office Google know about it but nothing to do to thinking about it GSV became tool for discrimination in Japan |