First of all: get Firefox and install Cloudlet [1], an extension "that inserts context-aware tag clouds into a traditional Google [...] interface to help you navigate more efficiently through search results."
Then: 1. Search Google. 2. Click on the most used word (so adding it to your query). 3. Repeat ad libitum. 4. Compose a sentence with the resulting query.
google search web image results pages options news link video yahoo *Google* is a *search* engine for the *web*, but also for things like an *image*. The *results* are displayed in *pages* that have now *options*. Google searches also among *news*. Google works because it's based on the *link* structure of the web. Google searches also among *video* content... If you don't like Google, try *Yahoo* instead.
philipp lenssen google blogoscoped chrome browser project screenshots *Philipp Lenssen* writes the blog *Google* *Blogoscoped*. He was the first to post about the *Chrome* *browser* *project*, posting not *screenshots* of the browser but scans of a comic book...
android google phone first video htc magic mobile *Android* is the *Google* operating system for *phone*. The *first* Android phone (do you wanna see a *video*?) is *HTC* Dream. Then HTC *Magic* followed... Maybe i should have said that I was talking about *mobile* phones?
Of course there are several possible twists: e.g. once every two "turns", you could remove the most used word from the query (instead of adding to it).
[2] I have switched "review" and "senate"... |
> [2] I have switched "review" and "senate"...
(remain from a previous attempt with [Obama]) |
More serious uses of tag clouds...
1. A tag cloud gives you the basic words to write down a summary of a given subject. You can think "OK, this is because almost search results includes snippets from Wikipedia lead sections". But it works even with subjects that are not included in Wikipedia. E.g. the 10 most used words in the SERP [1] about [Ionut Alex Chitu] are: blog contact deadline download equations google operating reader software system In fact, Ionut writes the *blog* *Google* *Operating* *System*. He also was the webamster was behind *Deadline*, a *software* to solve *equations*. (Additional informations: you can *contact* Ionut on-line, read the feeds that he shares in Google *Reader*, *download* Deadline.) This could help Google IA to build "level 3" SERPs: ;)
2. Google could easily use tag clouds to cluster results. See E.g. Google could give you the following SERP for [Ionut Alex Chitu]:
*Deadline* 1. DeadLine OnLine. Solve equations, plot graphs free 5. Ionut Alex. Chitu: DeadLine 6. Ionut Alex. Chitu Software Informer: Latest Ionut Alex. Chitu ... 8. Ionut Alex. Chitu [sharewareconnection] 9. Ionut Alex. Chitu – Software Publisher Profile – 10. Ionut Alex. Chitu – Software Publisher Profile –
*Google Operating System* 2. Google Operating System (Unofficial Google Blog) 3. Blogger: User Profile: Alex Chitu 7. Google Operating System – About
*Other* 4. Did Ionut Alex Chitu leak Matt Cutts' email address?
...that is IMHO far better than:
1. DeadLine OnLine. Solve equations, plot graphs free 2. Google Operating System (Unofficial Google Blog) 3. Blogger: User Profile: Alex Chitu 4. Did Ionut Alex Chitu leak Matt Cutts' email address? 5. Ionut Alex. Chitu: DeadLine 6. Ionut Alex. Chitu Software Informer: Latest Ionut Alex. Chitu ... 7. Google Operating System – About 8. Ionut Alex. Chitu [sharewareconnection] 9. Ionut Alex. Chitu – Software Publisher Profile – 10. Ionut Alex. Chitu – Software Publisher Profile –
[1] It was a typical 10-result SERP. Indeed, Cloudlet people suggest to use 100-result SERP, to have better tags. But so far 10 has been good enough for me. |
> A tag cloud gives you the basic words to write down a summary of a given subject. You can think "OK, this is because almost search results includes snippets from Wikipedia lead sections". But it works even with subjects that are not included in Wikipedia.
Also, even if the subject has a Wikipedia article, thanks to Google universal search the tag clouds suggests you news about your subject. E.g. if you search [Titanic], the two biggest tags are "survivor" and "dies". In fact today the last Titanic survivor died, but you don't find this information in the lead section of the Wikipedia Titanic article. |
Another possible use for tag clouds. Let's assume that you want to know in which, out of the 50 or so movies directed by Hitchock, Cary Grant starred. Note that you Wolfram Alpha can't help you (at least until new features come out), nor Wikipedia has a quick answer about this (OK, you could use IMDb, but we're talking about universal tools here!). If you query ["cary grant" "alfred hitchcock" movies] in Google, the resulting tag cloud is: bergman classic directed dvd film ingrid north northwest notorious suspicion ...and here you find the title of 3 out of the 4 Hitchcok-Grant movies (North by Nortwest, Notorious, Suspicion; the missing one is To catch a thief). |
Even more (I'm enjoying it, can't you see? :)): not only Google tag clouds give you answers, they can also give you questions! E.g. if your query is [diego maradona pele alfredo di stefano johan cruyff franz beckenbauer], the resulting tag cloud is: argentina best football greatest players posts puskas soccer stéfano time i.e. it's like you asked "What is the question, if my query is the answer?", and Google replied "The answer is: Who are the best/greatest football/soccer players of all time?"
Indeed, not only this. Google also suggested you to include (Ferenc) Puskas (and maybe George Best... "best" is ambiguous here!). |
Sorry, I forgot to specify that the results that I described in the last two posts were produced using 100-result SERPs. With the normal 10-result SERPs, (1) you are suggested just "North" and "Notorious", But (2) the result about football players is still good: argentina best ferenc football platini players soccer specifics zidane zinedine (with "best football players" being the three biggest tags!) |
Back to the original game:
> 1. Search Google. > 2. Click on the most used word (so adding it to your query). > 3. Repeat ad libitum. > 4. Compose a sentence with the resulting query.
Original query: [monday tuesday] Resulting query: monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday Is it already a sentence? |
is it fun to play alone? ^^ |