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Bing is live  (View post) [PersonRank 10]

Monday, June 1, 2009
15 years ago7,735 views

Microsofts new search engine Bing is live,

TOMHTML [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

on each query I'm performing, I can find errors. It sucks.

Rohit Srivastwa [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

Sucks big time

I searched for "rohit11" & in first 5 pages I can't find my domain [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

You can watch a preview of a video within the thumbnail. Only here Firefox (on Windows 7) automaticly closes when I want to watch a preview. Internet Explorer works good but the thumbs are standard to small.

The Save and Share function requires Silverlight which, I think is not necessary. Because of that it looks very ugly. Also switching the background on the homepage requires Silverlight.....

At first impression Bing Local and Bing Travel could come in handy. Xrank...well.... I don't know.

Each query also has it's own RSS feed by the way.

Ionut Alex. Chitu [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

Mouse-over video preview is extremely annoying, especially when the videos are displayed in an OneBox and you accidentally rest your mouse next to a video thumbnail.

James Xuan [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

This is kinda cool, I have to admit [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

"Enables users to search the Web, Usenet, and images. Features include PageRank, caching and translation of results, and an option to find similar pages. The company's focus is ... "

James Xuan [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

So the descriptions are manually inputted?

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

[via reddit]

James Xuan [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

I also noticed some similar things like that Philipp [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago # will be redirected the next 45 days to From then it will become the starting point for all Live Services.

[Via the live webcast.]

It was known that Microsoft would start the roll out today. Official launch will be wednesday, at least that's what the press release says. [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

By the way, Microsoft often uses singer Taylor Swift in their demos, also now in the webcast. She gets a lot of extra publicity this way :-).

Adrian Lunsong [PersonRank 1]

15 years ago #

Am giving Bing a try as well albeit only from home. Company's firewall has it blocked.

The results aren't great but it can only improve. Has anybody done a comparison between and Bing's search results? Also, why is it that when I click on the Map tab (once I've done a postcode search), it brings me to (I'm UK based)

Adrian Lunsong [PersonRank 1]

15 years ago #

Hmmm.. in fact, on the main page of Bing, the tab for Maps links to Multimap's site. But if I type in in the address bar, it re-directs me to

Adrian Lunsong [PersonRank 1]

15 years ago #

Oh yeah, and I know Multimap is owned by Microsoft but I'd rather go to

Above 15 comments were made in the forum before this was blogged,

Michael Martinez [PersonRank 5]

15 years ago #

I am finding fewer spammy sites in Bing, so how do you justify saying the search results are of "lower quality"?

Google is more than welcome to improve the quality of ITS search results as far as I'm concerned. They are more than welcome to do away with Web Apartheid (their Supplemental Index is still alive and screwing a lot of people).

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

> so how do you justify saying the search
> results are of "lower quality"

Based on a couple of searches I tried and that I saw reported, the results were not as good as Google's – however, this is not representative yet, so I will try further queries in the future to see how well it does, and more comments on this are welcome. I added a remark to the post with a bit of clarification, thanks.

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

Here are examples where Bing fails:

[andy baio links] ... I expected Andy Baio's link blog,, to pop up... but doesn't even show up on the first result page (Google has in the #1 spot, and the "links" part of his blog in an expanded #2 spot).

[kevin fox] – Kevin Fox's homepage is, but as he reported, bing doesn't even show up on the whole first page of the SERPs (he's #2 with his site in Google).

[google blogoscoped] – shows up at #1, but the second result is also titled "Google Blogoscoped" even though it points to – which is a page titled "Outer Court". So Bing changed the title of the page to something misleading.

James Xuan [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

I don't care about anything else – Bing passes my test:

phatsphere [PersonRank 1]

15 years ago #

what i see as a plus for google is it's ability to "understand" more about the query. this includes spell checking and so on. example: search for "raynolds number" on both. google's first result with the correct spelling is fine, bing is confused. ...

also quesionable is bings speed. e.g. how long takes it to show the headlines of a just published newspaper article, e.g. ny times.

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

Actually I get "Results are included for *reynolds* number" at Bing for that search Phat...

Californian [PersonRank 1]

15 years ago #

I really don't feel like listing the searches and results, but I have concluded that bing is crap. Ugly and low-quality results ftl. Two most annoying things? Fewer news results (and unclear distinctions when they appear) and the frickin video preview. I leave my mouse there and it starts playing. Just have people click it!

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

[Added a paragraph about anchor links in results.]

Tom [PersonRank 0]

15 years ago #

One thing that strikes me is that Bing most often returns less results than Google. Often by a factor of 10 or more.

For example:

Searching for iPhone:
Bing returns 1-20 of 344,000 results
Google returns 1 – 10 of about 367,000,000 results

Searching for Windows Mobile:
Bing returns 1-10 of 248,000,000 results
Google returns 1 – 10 of about 123,000,000 results


James Xuan [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

Bing Flourishes with Microsoft products apparently

Jean-Philippe [PersonRank 0]

15 years ago #

Here what I thought when I heard Bing:

(quote for Groundhog Day)

Ned: Phil? Hey, Phil? Phil! Phil Connors? Phil Connors, I thought that was you!
Phil: Hi, how you doing? Thanks for watching.
[Starts to walk away]
Ned: Hey, hey! Now, don't you tell me you don't remember me because I sure as heckfire remember you.
Phil: Not a chance.
Ned: Ned... Ryerson. "Needlenose Ned"? "Ned the Head"? C'mon, buddy. Case Western High. Ned Ryerson: I did the whistling belly-button trick at the high school talent show? Bing! Ned Ryerson: got the shingles real bad senior year, almost didn't graduate? Bing, again. Ned Ryerson: I dated your sister Mary Pat a couple times until you told me not to anymore? Well?
Phil: Ned Ryerson?
Ned: Bing!
Phil: Bing.

Ino Detelic [PersonRank 1]

15 years ago #

query: "vista"

google shows vista homepage in 1st result.

bing shows vista wikipedia entry in 1st result, vista homepage in 4th.

James Franks [PersonRank 0]

15 years ago #

But Its Not Google!

George R [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

[put at-character here]James Xuan

MS may be cheating with bing's result for [the answer to life the universe and everything].

Try searching [(the answer to life the universe and everything) + 1].
It does not seem to understand that it is a numeric expression.

Google and Alpha can solve that expression.

fullFx [PersonRank 1]

15 years ago #

i'm not sure if bing comes up with lower quality results always. when i tried bing with an impartial query, it really surprised me.

read it here :

-- fullFx

hari seldon [PersonRank 0]

15 years ago #

over here in mexico i only get 4 search options:
web, images, news, and en mi ciudad (in my city)
clicking 'more' just sends me to another page with a listing of those four links. i wanted to give the video search a try...

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

Hari, there may be a country name at the top right. Click it, and then look for "United States".

James Xuan [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

One of my Dad's friends made this

Alex Ksikes [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

I think it's good that finally Google may have some competition! Go Bing go!!

Alex Ksikes [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

BTW I must add that your grand-ma uses Google because she has been recommended to do so not because the results are that much better. In fact common people uses Google more like a bookmark, never go further than the first page and search the most popular websites..

So then it's about an image, a brand and that is exactly what Microsoft is trying to do with Bing. In this process Microsoft may get a larger search market share.

To be continued...

Zim [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

I think this announcement from Google has something to do with this..:

TOMHTML [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

Search matt cutts' blog

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

Even though you seem to set it to search all the web, it's specifically searching for France, your country as shown in the top right. When you repeat the search on the US Bing, you'll see Matt's blog on top. (Google is better: even when I'm on in German, when I enter Matt Cutts I get his English blog on top.)

TOMHTML [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

As every (French) internet user, I've just typed "" in my browser or click on the first result for the request "bing" on Google. I'm unable to access "the US bing" without clicking on the top left link and search "US" on this page

I'm really disappointed. And a Microsoft France guy said SEO was a "nuisance" and Bing will fight against that, I still can't believe it...

Bing also loves to change titles of webpages, even if they are wrong [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

The mobile version of Bing is also live now. [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

And Bing is blocked in China, great start for Bing in China :-). Other services blocked here are Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Blogger.

Rohit Srivastwa [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

BING : Bing is not Google (GNU way) [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

Well.... Microsoft released a few Bing ringtones, called Bingtones.

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