Google and Virgin America are having a scavenger hunt on 24th June. It will be across different Google Apps ans there are prizes [Unfortunately you have to live in the USA to claim them :(]. Prizes are a HP netbook and 1TB* of storage on your account for Picasa and Gmail.
*The current highest avalible storage is 400GB, I can't find out what happens to your storage after it expires (I'm guessing it's not for life). If you use 600GB what happens to your data as you can't buy that much storage? |
I had subscribed for updates and just received a mail from them tellig me a preparation site is now live which lets you practice for the games. Clicking on the link however resolves in a page that's not found at the moment:
[Update: Hmm, now works!] |
Mrrix32 It's possible 1TB is for life. I bet in 5 or so years 1TB will come with any basic account. |
Apparently the 1TB is not for life, but only for a year. I had asked Google about this, and they tell me:
Q: <<For your contest at you say the prize is 1 Terabyte of storage for e.g. Gmail. I have a question: For how long will that 1 Terabyte work, i.e. will it cease after 1 year?>>
A: <<Yes – when their free year is over, if they have large amounts of data they want to continue to store, these users will be able purchase storage as usual. Here's how extra storage works: >>
So in a way when you win the prize, you'll be "lent" your prize and have to give it back after a year... or pay up. So this is not really that useful – why would you want to upload loads of things only to see them be deleted after a while? |
It takes around 6 months to upload the data and the other 6 to download it back. That's just pure evil. |
They've now added a rules page, which states about the storage.
<<5 prize packages will be awarded, each consisting of: 1 netbook, 1TB Google Account storage for 1 year, 12 one-way tickets on Virgin America (which may be subject to booking limitations) plus 12 complimentary WiFi passes. Each prize has an approximate retail value of $5,000 USD.>> |
It appears that you can't use the Google cloud to build weapons of mass destructions => |
That is also in the iTunes T&Cs... weird... |
What about weapons of mass confusion (WMCs)?
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