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Google Experiments with Dropdown Navigation  (View post)

dpneal [PersonRank 10]

Tuesday, January 3, 2006
19 years ago

i like this version better than the last one with the nav down the left side. I would like it so that you could choose what links you have at the top though. i think yahoo does this a bit, but if you could choose from all google services it would be fantastic.

dumbfounder [PersonRank 0]

19 years ago #

wow. how very innovative.

SamD [PersonRank 1]

19 years ago #

Seeing this here now. I wonder when/if it will be implemented all over.

NB// Getting it without being signed in to any Google Account.

BHuddle [PersonRank 1]

19 years ago #

Google is stuck like this on my machine and I cannot change it back. I prefer the fewer clicks version. Any idea on how to change it back?

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

19 years ago #

BHuddle, give it a day to go away on its own... if it doesn't, try deleting your cache & emptying your cookies...

BHuddle [PersonRank 1]

19 years ago #

Worked like a charm. THX!

plop [PersonRank 1]

18 years ago #

isn't MSN doing this for years now ? :-)

Inferno [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

The new homepage change has been applied to Personalized Homepage as well...

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