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wave email compatibility

Luke [PersonRank 0]

Friday, October 2, 2009
15 years ago4,423 views

question to those with wave accounts,

did the wave team integrate compatibility with regular email? i.e. can you send an email from wave to a non wave address skipping the additional features of wave? and vice versa would a email from e.g. gmail be delivered when sent to a address? that would certainly help adoption, since you could use wave as a standard email client

haven't got my invitation yet to test (if you have one, see the wave invites thread, let's not make this an invite thread)..


Tony Ruscoe [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

Short answer: no

I'm looking forward to at least being able to send and receive emails from the Google Wave interface, even if there's no integration between the two. That would mean I check my waves more often. Right now, it's just another thing to check and since I don't get wave alerts on my iPhone, it's often a waste of time checking it.

Luke [PersonRank 0]

15 years ago #

too bad, i agree the last thing we need is another place to check for messages

maybe this could be an extension made by the developer community, if the API would allow for this

Ionut Alex. Chitu [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

It's more like Google Docs with conversations than a proper email replacement.

Tony Ruscoe [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

Ionut, it depends how you use it. I'm yet to use it in a way that could replace Google Docs but I have used it in ways that could replace email.

Luke [PersonRank 0]

15 years ago #

this would be another question, is there any kind of access restriction..?

in the intro video the wave team showcased publishing to a blog using bloggy, which inserts the entire wave interface into a blog.. including commenting which sound promising, since it could become a way to track your comments on the web from within your wave inbox

   but is it possible to the participants in the wave to edit the original wave, let alone anonymous participants?

Tony Ruscoe [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

The blog integration was cheating a bit. It's just an IFRAME containing an embedded wave, so the permissions are exactly the same as a standard wave.

Here's an example (which unfortunately only works if you've got a Wave Sandbox account):

You could achieve a similar thing using something like FriendFeed right now.

TOMHTML [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

[put at-character here]Ionut: I *completely* agree with you.

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