Google Tests Always-Visible Left Sidebar
(View post)Ionut Alex. Chitu ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | Friday, November 20, 2009 15 years ago • 38,489 views |
<< “We’re basically looking at a new look and feel for Google,” Mayer said of the change. “It’s an overall cleaning up of the search results page.”
The search options appear in the left-hand column. The former “All results” area that allowed you to switch between different types of searches (images, news, maps and so on) has been replaced with new tabs for these services:
Internally, Mayer said that Google calls “modes.” For example, after searching for “australia” in the example above, you’re in “Everything” mode (I love this name). But with a click on the Images tab, you can switch to “image mode” and get back image results, select News to get news results in “news mode” so on. >> |
Above comments were made in the forum before this was blogged,
Some comments have been collapsed. Expand... |
wmr ![[PersonRank 1] [PersonRank 1]](image/postrank/1.gif) | 15 years ago # |
are you in China why – – Go to Google China? |
Michael Torner ![[PersonRank 0] [PersonRank 0]](image/postrank/0.gif) | 15 years ago # |
Doesn't look good to me, as well I like the simple google.
[Signature removed – Tony] |
Mike Flugennock ![[PersonRank 0] [PersonRank 0]](image/postrank/0.gif) | 15 years ago # |
Sorry, gang; just isn't working for me.
I've tried switching off NoScript, allowing all cookies, and emptying the cache.
No joy... not like it's ruined my day, or anything, though. |
Philipp Lenssen ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 15 years ago # |
> are you in China
Wmr, yep... |
Julien Lavoie ![[PersonRank 0] [PersonRank 0]](image/postrank/0.gif) | 15 years ago # |
1- Open the new google, search for platypus. 2- Open a new tab, go to, search for platypus. 3- Compare both tabs..... |
Lloyd Herrera ![[PersonRank 0] [PersonRank 0]](image/postrank/0.gif) | 15 years ago # |
Hi buddy
How can i back the old google search?
Dylan ![[PersonRank 0] [PersonRank 0]](image/postrank/0.gif) | 15 years ago # |
I am astounded by the fear of change in the comments. The current Google search page with it's embossed logo is dated and needs to updatee to compete with other search engines.
The new page is still simple and light-weight. It does not have all of the gradients, images, and colors that Bing has, which the commenters seem to think the new style is reminiscent of. And, the 151 pixel bar on the side is very unobtrusive, and if you choose not to use it will not even register to the user after he/she becomes accustomed to it (much like the ads which I barely notice anymore).
If you're tech savy enough to be looking at the new search, then you should easily be able to write a user script to keep the look/feel that you are so attached to.
If a company, even Google, does not rebrand and change they will fall behind. |
George T ![[PersonRank 0] [PersonRank 0]](image/postrank/0.gif) | 15 years ago # |
almost perfect! love it.. :) |
Sandy Davidson ![[PersonRank 0] [PersonRank 0]](image/postrank/0.gif) | 15 years ago # |
Didn't like it when I first tried but the next day when I loaded it up I felt up. I like the filters on the side. At first I had thought the sidebar was annoying but then I realised I was using it. Tasty. |
John Moore ![[PersonRank 1] [PersonRank 1]](image/postrank/1.gif) | 15 years ago # |
Change the logo back to the original and I might like it better I looks like the logo eat to many pies.
Cookie Lee ![[PersonRank 9] [PersonRank 9]](image/postrank/9.gif) | 15 years ago # |
Tried it. It looks good on my computer, but I think they can: 1. Make the left sidebar collapsible (as I said before); 2. Use JavaScript to detect the size of the browser's window. If it's too small, hide the sidebar by default. |
mavhc ![[PersonRank 1] [PersonRank 1]](image/postrank/1.gif) | 15 years ago # |
Where are the links to for the keywords, how will I know if things are spelled correctly now? |
Christian ![[PersonRank 0] [PersonRank 0]](image/postrank/0.gif) | 15 years ago # |
the icons for filtering videos and images are not really meaningfull |
greydaze ![[PersonRank 0] [PersonRank 0]](image/postrank/0.gif) | 15 years ago # |
The "everything" sidebar is so annoying,At least give the user an option to turn the cluttering thing off. |
undertuga ![[PersonRank 0] [PersonRank 0]](image/postrank/0.gif) | 15 years ago # |
Hit there folks,
It's not working over here. Pasted the js source @ the url bar, logged out/logged in, and nothing changed! I'm using chrome, but alreasy tried with Firefox and some IE and still not working!
If you can help me out, please contact me: undertuga |at| gmail |dot| com
best regards |
Thomas ![[PersonRank 0] [PersonRank 0]](image/postrank/0.gif) | 15 years ago # |
MY EYES!!! *aaaaahhhhh*
it's much....light.... :-(
logo could be a little bit darker (specially the blue stuff at all) |
Bongo ![[PersonRank 0] [PersonRank 0]](image/postrank/0.gif) | 15 years ago # |
1- Open the new google, search for platypus. 2- Open a new tab, go to, search for platypus. 3- Compare both tabs.....
scary.... |
sebastian ![[PersonRank 0] [PersonRank 0]](image/postrank/0.gif) | 15 years ago # |
the new look is awful, pls don't change the look of google -.- |
Gamer_Z. ![[PersonRank 1] [PersonRank 1]](image/postrank/1.gif) | 15 years ago # |
After using it a bit, it just does not feel Googley. The sidebar and big blue buttons make the interface feel unnecessarily cluttered. |
Dave ![[PersonRank 0] [PersonRank 0]](image/postrank/0.gif) | 15 years ago # |
How do you switch back? Am I doomed forever...? | ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 15 years ago # |
You are doomed forever :-). If you remove your cookies, or only the one from Google you should see the normal interface again. |
NineNickle ![[PersonRank 0] [PersonRank 0]](image/postrank/0.gif) | 15 years ago # |
Simply awful. |
Bart S. ![[PersonRank 0] [PersonRank 0]](image/postrank/0.gif) | 15 years ago # |
The icons are too mono-chromatic to add any value. They all look the same unless you concentrate at each of them individually and try to figure out what they represent. At this point they just add clutter.
I'm not a big fan of the sidebar either. I wouldn't use the links much more than I use the top tabs and I know everybody clicks into the "Images" and "Maps" tabs.
And what's up with the padding/margins around the logo, sidebar, addressbar, tab bar, search results? Nothing seems to line up with anything. All very inconsistent. |
Aaron Davidson ![[PersonRank 0] [PersonRank 0]](image/postrank/0.gif) | 15 years ago # |
As far as I know I have had this ability for quite awhile. Its neat especially when trying to google something specific.
[Signature removed – Tony] |
Natasha K ![[PersonRank 0] [PersonRank 0]](image/postrank/0.gif) | 15 years ago # |
It just looks more like Bing. |
techsw ![[PersonRank 0] [PersonRank 0]](image/postrank/0.gif) | 15 years ago # |
Before pasting the javascript,be sure that the address bar hols and not any regional domain like so click go to in the same page and then use.
A sample is here: |
IHateThisNewDesign ![[PersonRank 0] [PersonRank 0]](image/postrank/0.gif) | 15 years ago # |
Pretty UGLY!
Please Google, even if you implement this, leave the choice to the users to opt-out!
Thanks, |
Dave ![[PersonRank 0] [PersonRank 0]](image/postrank/0.gif) | 15 years ago # |,
How do I remove these cookies from FF? |
Dave ![[PersonRank 0] [PersonRank 0]](image/postrank/0.gif) | 15 years ago # |
Got it, thanks!
Taylor James Thompson ![[PersonRank 0] [PersonRank 0]](image/postrank/0.gif) | 15 years ago # |
This is freakin annoying! How the heck do we remove this garbage? |
khaled Abou-Alfa ![[PersonRank 0] [PersonRank 0]](image/postrank/0.gif) | 15 years ago # |
It's terrible, how do you remove this shit? | ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 15 years ago # | |
julius ![[PersonRank 0] [PersonRank 0]](image/postrank/0.gif) | 15 years ago # |
Looks like Yahoo home page... |
Alan ![[PersonRank 0] [PersonRank 0]](image/postrank/0.gif) | 15 years ago # |
'''an overall cleaning up''' ?
I find this to be the opposite of that. Never mind my opinion; I'd love to hear what the general reaction within Google is. I can't really imagine it being overwhelmingly positive, but then again, *someone* designed this... |
cheta ![[PersonRank 0] [PersonRank 0]](image/postrank/0.gif) | 15 years ago # |
i like the old one, but i'm sure i can get used to this. |