I just checked it on Google.co.nz because I thought it was a joke. Yes, ugly.... but not from google << Happy 12th Birthday Google by Wayne Thiebaud. Image used with permission of VAGA NY. >> |
I'm seeing a Chinese language alt-text even though I'm on otherwise-English google.com. Google a while ago started to localize the logos independent of which site I'm at (so I'm now regularly getting Chinese celebration logos even though I'm on google.com). |
I just noticed this too when visiting Google.com in Finland. |
I think it's nice. Simple and beautiful.
http://www.product-reviews.net/2010/09/27/google-doodle-history-how-did-it-get-started/ ("Google Doodle History: How did it get started?") |
Taken from Google.com's HTML source:
alt="Hyvää 12-vuotissynttäriä, Google. Doodle-design: Wayne Thiebaud, kuva julkaistu VAGA NY:n luvalla." title="Hyvää 12-vuotissynttäriä, Google. Doodle-design: Wayne Thiebaud, kuva julkaistu VAGA NY:n luvalla." |
google started a few weeks ago using geo-info for showing doodle on google.com eg. the Oktoberfest-Doodle was available at google.com from germany with german alt-title.
that is just the first time you see this. |
Yeah, I saw this first time on Monday. |