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Google Image Search by Drawing (and Webcam)

Franz [PersonRank 1]

Tuesday, October 4, 2011
12 years ago18,849 views

Hi, i created this unofficial Google thingie last week. Hope you like it:

What it does:
   * You draw something on an HTML5 canvas.
   * Click on Search
   * Image gets converted into a base64 encoded data uri
   * Image data gets send to server (powered by Heroku)
   * Image gets uploaded to Amazon S3
   * The Amazon S3 Image URL gets communicated back to your browser.
   * Browser gets redirected to Google Search by Image

hope you like it.

TOMHTML [PersonRank 10]

12 years ago #

Good job Franz, really funny ;-)

Cookie Lee [PersonRank 9]

12 years ago #

Cool! If you can improve the HTML5 canvas, it will be even better!

Franz [PersonRank 1]

12 years ago #

[put at-character here]Cookie_Lee what improvements would you like?

Cookie Lee [PersonRank 9]

12 years ago #

[put at-character here]Franz: Some examples:

1. The current palette is not very good in my opinion.
2. There's no undo function.
3. I want to see how big the brush is before painting on the canvas.

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