BMW's Doorway Pages
(View post)Gerard ![[PersonRank 1] [PersonRank 1]](image/postrank/1.gif) | Wednesday, February 1, 2006 19 years ago |
Spamreports don't work. Google being to busy with more important things. I reported a similar case 3 times over the last 2 years. Nothing happened. Mail I send to Google about my AdWords account is answered within 24 hours. |
viggen ![[PersonRank 1] [PersonRank 1]](image/postrank/1.gif) | 19 years ago # |
oh thats well known in germany for a while now ;)
we also caught the "Deutsche Bank" but they got cold feet ;) you can still see some of their "work" in Google,GGLG:2005-33,GGLG:en&start=0&sa=N&filter=0
cheers viggen |
Michael ![[PersonRank 0] [PersonRank 0]](image/postrank/0.gif) | 19 years ago # |
Does a company like BMW need to rely on search engine traffic? Guess the have enough direct traffic. |
Mark Draughn ![[PersonRank 5] [PersonRank 5]](image/postrank/5.gif) | 19 years ago # |
Now watch, rather than fixing this, they'll have their lawyers send you a "cease-and-desist" letter for pointing it out and suggesting the spam report. |
Philipp Lenssen ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 19 years ago # |
Mark, in my article I made neither of these statements:
- that people should file spam reports, or report this to Matt Cutts - that I filed a spam report, or reported this to Matt Cutts - that BMW is using blackhat SEO
I guess after my last C&D I'm careful with how I phrase these things. But yeah, the chance will always exist these things happen... |
Julia Rüngsdorf ![[PersonRank 0] [PersonRank 0]](image/postrank/0.gif) | 19 years ago # |
I dont't think they'll send you some "cease-and-desist" letters.
If your actions are really a threat and if BMW would suffer substantial losses, they would more likely try to kill you.
Years ago they have tried the same with Ludwig Elsbett cause of his Elsbett-engine |
Thomas Frütel ![[PersonRank 0] [PersonRank 0]](image/postrank/0.gif) | 19 years ago # |
Obviously they got the message, the pages are no more. |
Tomppa ![[PersonRank 0] [PersonRank 0]](image/postrank/0.gif) | 19 years ago # |
Seems likte the page is already gone.
" Error 404: Object not found!"
The requested URL was not found on this server. The link on the referring page seems to be wrong or outdated. Please inform the author of that page about the error.
Ok, now you know :) |
Fridaynite ![[PersonRank 1] [PersonRank 1]](image/postrank/1.gif) | 19 years ago # |
Look here: is kicked from Google.
Das CIO-Weblog ![[PersonRank 0] [PersonRank 0]](image/postrank/0.gif) | 19 years ago # |
TRACKBACK von Jetzt ist es tatsächlich passiert: Die Website wird bei Google nicht mehr gefunden, wie eine Site-Suche bei der Suchmaschine zeigt. Das Ergebnis: "Es wurden keine mit Ihrer Suchanfrage – – übereinstimmenden Dokumente gefunden." Matt Cutts hat es mittlerweile offiziell bestätigt: BMW ist aus dem Suchindex geflogen. This week our webspam team continued ramping up our anti-spam efforts by removing from our index, and will be removed soon for similar reasons", schreibt der Google-Chefentwickler. Und dem Bürotechnikhersteller Ricoh passierte inzwischen tatsächlich das gleiche Schicksal wie dem deutschen Automobilkonzern.
Peter Schmidt ![[PersonRank 1] [PersonRank 1]](image/postrank/1.gif) | 19 years ago # |
Look at the world biggest coin shop . They have more than 50 000 doorwaypages online :,GGLD:2005-13,GGLD:en&q=site%3Amdm%2Ede and so on ... This is redirecting and cloaking at its best!
Teddie ![[PersonRank 1] [PersonRank 1]](image/postrank/1.gif) | 19 years ago # |
This stuff makes my blood boil. It's 2006 not 1999, are brand owners still totally naive as to the proper way to approach their long term relationship with search engines.
I keep a close eye on my firms competitors and could real off a list of massive UK brands spamming the hell out of Google in extremely unsophisticated ways, I just don't get why they'd bother? It's such a dumb and unecessary approach, it makes me wonder who's thickest, the brands & corporates for buying into it or the SEO for proposing it.
Philipp Lenssen ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 19 years ago # |
Teddie, please email with that list of UK brands :) |
Greg Tingle ![[PersonRank 0] [PersonRank 0]](image/postrank/0.gif) | 19 years ago # |
BMW just happened to get caught. I don't think it's realy going to effect car sales, marketing or anything else that will alter their bottom line. |
Thomas Hofmann Online ![[PersonRank 2] [PersonRank 2]](image/postrank/2.gif) | 19 years ago # |
The Traffic in Matt Cutts Weblog must have been running out of the borders, he has disabled the comments. Also in in the discussion forum "Gruppen" is this topic of threads. Greetings, Thomas |
Teddie ![[PersonRank 1] [PersonRank 1]](image/postrank/1.gif) | 19 years ago # |
I make take it up with them directly and often do but wouldn't snitch. They know who they are. |
Billy ![[PersonRank 0] [PersonRank 0]](image/postrank/0.gif) | 19 years ago # |
BMW are so tacky anyway!
John ![[PersonRank 0] [PersonRank 0]](image/postrank/0.gif) | 19 years ago # |
I love how Google tries to take the high road, except when it comes to making money. They are quick to penalize some companies for deceptive SEO practices, yet they'll let paying advertisers break/or bend most of the rules. For example, they are letting GM buy the keyword "kermit" and direct users to a Coming Soon page for ethanol vehicles...not sure what that has to do with Kermit (I guess relevancy doesn't really matter as long as Sergey is getting his checks). Of course GM did this because Ford ran a Super Bowl spot starring Kermit for the Ford Hybrid Escape, and GM wants to intercept those users. |
DP ![[PersonRank 1] [PersonRank 1]](image/postrank/1.gif) | 19 years ago # |
Seems like BMW have achieved what they wanted – they damn well got more marketing out of this stunt than paying for a google ad. |
Brick Sykes ![[PersonRank 0] [PersonRank 0]](image/postrank/0.gif) | 19 years ago # |
I've been driving BMW all my adult life, cars and motorcycles. As long as they continue to design and manufacture the world's finest road machines they can do anything they like otherwise.
IMHO, or course. |
James ![[PersonRank 0] [PersonRank 0]](image/postrank/0.gif) | 19 years ago # |
Philipp, did you discover this independantly? If so, well done, and it seems your weblog is really influential on certain topics. |
Philipp Lenssen ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 19 years ago # |
All credit for tipping me off to BMW's doorway pages goes to my friend Siggi Becker:
(... who found it in the Abakus SEO forum, the entry dates back to 2004).
And thanks! |
Christian Mayer ![[PersonRank 0] [PersonRank 0]](image/postrank/0.gif) | 19 years ago # |
Back again with the same pagerank: on Google: |
Molar ![[PersonRank 0] [PersonRank 0]](image/postrank/0.gif) | 19 years ago # |
Hi, behind the bmw doorways and doorways is the SEO Company Netbooster. This company have a PR 0 at ther Homepage and was kickt by Google France with many clients. i think they also behind the doorways form t-online: Show in the HTML Code..... | ![[PersonRank 1] [PersonRank 1]](image/postrank/1.gif) | 19 years ago # |
Bmw is back again |
Andre Möller ![[PersonRank 0] [PersonRank 0]](image/postrank/0.gif) | 18 years ago # |
1.000.000 Dorwaay Pages on Google in Germany
No Rules al Fake and tricki on Google
Search Singles The top 50 al works with Dorwaypages works with more than 50.000 Dorwaypages Google dont stop this Shit
The top 50 al works with Dorwaypages
The top 50 al works with Dorwaypages
Philipp Lenssen ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 18 years ago # |
> Search Singles > > The top 50 al works with Dorwaypages
I can't reproduce that. E.g. the top 2 results have no redirect once you click on them ( and |