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Minesweeper Cheat  (View post)

Jeff Breen [PersonRank 0]

Friday, February 3, 2006
19 years ago

Having trouble... where on the screen do i look?

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

19 years ago #

Top left... but it doesn't always work, so restart and try again a couple of times (also make sure your deskop image is not "covering" the color... turn it to flat gray to make sure).

Chris Steven [PersonRank 0]

19 years ago #

Where do you type in your xyzzy code?

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

19 years ago #

Chris, anywhere on the screen.

Stepan [PersonRank 0]

19 years ago #

Thanks. Works
I had some trouble my first time. So here is the easyest way.
1)Black Background
2)Right Click, Arange Icons By, Uncheck show desktop icons

then do the things

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