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Gmaio  (View post)

Fox [PersonRank 1]

Saturday, March 18, 2006
19 years ago

Somenthing is happen! Gmail may change to "Google Mail" in April... in some accounts you don't see more "Gmail"... only "Google Mail"! I'm from Brazil and my preference language is english-US.

Sam Davyson [PersonRank 10]

19 years ago #

Hmmm. In German and UK accounts we get the Google Mail logo and the words "Google Mail" instead of Gmail through the interface and help documents. But someone in Brazil seeing Google Mail is strange.

Fox [PersonRank 1]

19 years ago #


There is something strange!

Ashman [PersonRank 4]

19 years ago #

It's the end of the world.

Daniel ( [PersonRank 0]

19 years ago #

I can't believe someone blogged my site, thats crazy. double plus awesome.

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