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New Gmail Features

Felipe G. [PersonRank 1]

Tuesday, October 5, 2004
20 years ago

Together with the Atom in some accounts, Gmail now features the ability to save drafts, and now the Contact List has improved, not being in a popup anymore..
And the invite link moved again below the Labels' list.
Has anybody seen another new features?

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

20 years ago #

Unfortunatley only some users got the new features (I wasn't one of them so I couldn't see it). I hope they roll it out for everyone soon. I wonder why they restrict these features to only a smaller group in the first place...?

scotshin [PersonRank 0]

20 years ago #

I saw save draft and the improved contact list and there seems to be a forwarding feature under Settings.

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

20 years ago #

I updated my post to include the draft feature. I didn't see this on first sight, so thanks!

Anthony Pennington [PersonRank 3]

20 years ago #

I am so glad they fixed the "contacts". I posted something about that.....

Yannick Mückenhirn [PersonRank 7]

20 years ago #

I got all that new features except the Atom one. I also have the "Forwarding" to another mail account option in Settings.

Yannick Mückenhirn ®

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

20 years ago #

I suppose they just played around with the Atom feature, but that the others are here to stay (I can also see all updates except the atom one, and I'm already getting used to "Save draft", which work just as you expect it – very smooth).

Yannick Mückenhirn [PersonRank 7]

20 years ago #

Anyone that want to taste the Atom feature, can go to:

Yannick Mückenhirn ®

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