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Shades of SEO  (View post)

Hashim [PersonRank 10]

Wednesday, November 1, 2006
18 years ago6,613 views

I guess YouTube is a Dark Gray Hat SEO, since they use other's content and rank higher for it.

They also allow their search result pages to be indexed by Google, which means they may rate high for terms that don't have any real content associated with it.

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

I think YouTube is just not doing any SEO (or accessibility) at all... look at their titles, they're almost all the same...

PS: Unique video pages do seem to have a unique title, tho.

theory and practice? [PersonRank 0]

18 years ago #

I doubt these exist:

# White Hat SEO: This person puts up the content that people are actually searching for, and prepares the site to make it very accessible. White Hat SEOs only optimize those of their pages they deem worthy to be ranking top in search engines.
# Luminescent Pearly White Hat SEO: Not only does this SEO do everything the White Hat SEO does, the LPW Hat SEO also makes sure pages will not show up for irrelevant queries.

What does exist is the webmaster who is so oblivious to SEO-guidelines they don't actually follow basic accessibility guidelines.

Ryan [PersonRank 0]

18 years ago #

how does one go about making sure they don't rank for not relevant phrases?

Tell people to stop linking to you or change their anchor text?

Not use the words you'd normally use in your blog / product descriptions?

There's quite a few terms I'd rather not rank for, but that I show up for nonetheless.... especially my internet slang dictionary.. It's got a bunch of dirty words.. but hey, traffic is traffic right?

Katinka Hesselink [PersonRank 2]

18 years ago #

Read the original article – it not only answers your questions, but my points as well*. There is actually a guy who thinks about how to make sure searchengines only find his pages for the right queries, but yours as well... A blogpost by him is linked in the original article.

* I posted as 'theory and practice' by mistake – wanting to give my post a title...

alek [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Great graphic Philipp – maybe run a poll sometime where people can specifiy which color of hat they wear – needless to say, I wear a GREEN hat as can be seen here – ;-)

Tadeusz Szewczyk [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

That's a great one! Really marvellous! I agree with all ogf them except the white ones. Those two are not realistic. Besides the whitest one is not even mentioned:

"White Hat SEOs only optimize those of their pages they deem worthy to be ranking top in search engines."

Either he means "sites" instead of pages or he is wrong. I am proud be to a s white hat as possible. So I don not optimze sites that aren't worthy. I have sent so many potential clients away by now that I will probably burn in hell for that. I don't optimize for pron, replica watches, pure affiliate sites, sites that you get knocked out by just looking at them and so on and so forth.

But: Once you optimize a site, every single page is worthy to be optimzed, that's waht you are here for!

The whitest, shiny, perfectly clean white hats (I work hard to become one of them) don't optimze at all directly. They do strategic SEO in the sense of optimizing indirectly or indeed not optimizing for Google at all but by getting authority based on optimzation for other users and thus also Google.

Aaron Wall (of SEO book) has outlined some of those strategies:

He is not as pure as himself though. He ist just plainly white.

"the LPW Hat SEO also makes sure pages will not show up for irrelevant queries."

That's almost impossible. It's enough to mention "sex" once in your blog and people will find you looking for that.

Thomas Hofmann Online [PersonRank 2]

18 years ago #


also from me a double thumbs-up! Great graphics! I was near the point to ask you if I can use the picture for my (may be poor) translation of your wonderfull article.

thanks, Thomas

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Thomas, actually you may use this and every other image from Google Blogoscoped on your blog according to these guidelines:

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