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Slow Google Malware Alert Removal?  (View post)

JohnMoo [PersonRank 1]

Friday, November 3, 2006
17 years ago3,675 views

Isn't it funny how Google's Matt Cutts was just making fun of another search engine for putting his site on the "caution" list? :-)

I can see how Google would want to react to malware on a website – they would probably prefer to take the site out of the index completely, but I believe the reinclusion part hasn't really been thought through to the end. I assume they use algorithms to mark sites as malware, shouldn't they also be able to test for a cleaned up site every week or so? But as the case with many things in web search (eg webspam), erring on the side of caution is usually the best practice, even if you accidentally mark too many sites as being bad. The user will find something else... the site in question could just run PPC (ha ha, and Google profits again).

Tadeusz Szewczyk [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

You do not call Google. You send your lawyers and they take down anything, even your competitors site, at least here in Germany. Last week a blogger got censored by just because a company felt offended by the bloggers post. Google does not even wait for a judicial ruling. A lawyer is enough.

/pd [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

I think theres going to more of thustype of vectors in play!!
Botnets and malware is here to stay!!

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