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Google Bot Spoofing

Tony Ruscoe [PersonRank 10]

Saturday, March 10, 2007
17 years ago3,993 views

I noticed that the home page of my website received an unusually high number of requests on 8 March 2007. On inspection of my logs, it seemed that Googlebot had apparently requested my home page a whopping 15,475 times in just 1 hour 24 minutes (between 06:52 and 08:16).

However... the requesting IP address was – which doesn't seem to be one owned by Google:

Did anyone else notice this in their logs on that day? Is Googlebot spoofing popular? This is the first time I've seen anything noticeable in my logs, but I guess many other bots could easily spoof as Googlebot when they're crawling sites or "borrowing" content.

(By comparison, the "real" Googlebot had requested the same page 6 times that day.)

Edit: The same IP address also requested the same page on the previous day (7 March 2007) 8,878 times – again spoofing as Googlebot.

/pd [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Could you publish source IP and a thin slice of your log ?

/pd [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Btw.. whast the "Bot Obedience" rules for spidering ??

/pd [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Funky .. could be feedfetcher playing up...!!

Hong Xiaowan [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

You can let same IP and Same header success your one page for not more than 10 time one day.
But they can build a transparent router that can fake the IP and Header at multi-names.

TOMHTML [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

You can easily fake the user-agent, maybe a HTTrack-like software which fake is user-agent.

But you can fake IPs of googlebot too ;-)
(Tony, watch your logs in some minutes ;-])

Tony Ruscoe [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

I see your requests TOMHTML, although they're not using a Google-owned IP address either.

(I know you can easily fake the user-agent – which is what I meant by "spoofing" – as I often do this myself when testing things.)

TOMHTML [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

It wasn't an IP address of Google??? :-S
Contact me by mail, I'm sure there is something wrong..

TOMHTML [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

The proof:

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