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How to Join Google Translate & Google Files

Hong Xiaowan [PersonRank 10]

Wednesday, March 21, 2007
17 years ago3,807 views

Google Files is a collaborate tool to edit the translations and then publish to the blogs. So, if can join Google Translate to it seamlessly, it is more useful for translating blog.

A.Google Translate alreay have the suggestion function:

1.mouse hover, the pop window show original english;

2.Click"better translation suggest",show the translation that can be edited;

3.Modify translation, click "Suggest now";

4.Please notice, difference is the translation really edited;

5.Select the content that you want, disregard the munu, frame ect.;

B.Edit at Google Files:

1.At new design, at the top right of translation page have a "Edit at Google Files" link; click this link;
2.Delete more useless content.;

C.Submit more suggestiong at Google Files, perfect the translations:

1.Use mouse draging, or Ctrl+X, Ctrl+V, change the positions t make the trans easy to be understand; Google Translation can record your moving, you can edit as usual;

2.Make tortuous translation to be chinese habit words. For example, idiom; Google Translate also can record automatically;

3.Google Translate will give you suggestions based on the history records.

D.Use Google Files's collaborate, let your teamer modify the translation, and use the publish function, post on the blog.

I once planed to make a plugin for Google Translate on Wordpress, but after research Google Files, I find to join Google Translate and Google Files together is simple, I need not work hard, and, sure, Google's top powerful than mine.

Hong Xiaowan [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

For added, I think Google can publish a offiline software for this. Both online and offline.

TOMHTML [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

It seems to be an complex method, isn't it?

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