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Google and the Bourne Ultimatum?

NateDawg [PersonRank 10]

Saturday, March 31, 2007
17 years ago3,098 views

Anyone heard if Google is partnering with Universal on The Bourne Ultimatum? The reason I asked is that on the main site there is a very prominent Google Maps logo in the bottom left hand corner.

TOMHTML [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

If Google didn't pay for that, it's maybe for a legal reasons?
But I think it's a partnership too...

PS : Nowadays, "The Bourne Identity" couln't exist anymore:
"-Hello I'm... I'm... I don't know who I am!
-Don't panic, I will share your portrait on Flickr, and asking to all people of my blog who you are. And I will put that story on Digg and digg-likes of course...
-To know my name isn't the most important, I would be afraid if I will not remember the password of my Google Account! And...
-...stop! Someone mail-me something. It's a link to your Myspace: you're Jason Bourne, and you have no [alive] friend."
The End.

NateDawg [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

I thought about the fact that maybe the movie studio was leaving it on for legal reasons, but it seems to me that a big budget film could have just as easily went and grabbed a free satellite screen shot with no strings attached.

PS TomHTML> LOL. Stop it, your going to ruin my Bourne fascination on me :(

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