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Google Desktop Virus?

Ben Allen [PersonRank 10]

Saturday, March 31, 2007
17 years ago4,768 views

I googled MCI command handling window, and it came up with virus removal forums and complains. Is anyone else experiencing this or know what I'm talking about?

Brinke Guthrie [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

nope- i uninstalled it. amazing how much quicker my PC is. it's gone for good.

Inferno [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

google desktop is something that makes it possible for you to find a file easily. This makes it index all the. Though it does not clog your ram but keeps on working with the hard drive. If it makes your pc go slow stop/pause the local crawler. Only if google could integrate an antivirus, then it could make sense for many to use it. That is because an av does the same thing with your hard drive and accessed files. What do you think?

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