Google Blogoscoped


Schmidt On Google AI  (View post)

Reto Meier [PersonRank 10]

Wednesday, May 23, 2007
18 years ago5,850 views

Data and Hal are both examples of an excellent AI user interface – they communicate like humans. Neither though is really what I think Schmidt is getting at. If you asked Data, "What job should I get?" or "What should I do tomorrow?" he'd not give you a useful response.

Neither Hal nor Data know about *you* specifically. Greg Egan (in 'Diaspora' I think) describes a future where his personal digital assistant that's more like it. It interacts with him visually / vocally like Hal / Data and acts as the character's interface to the Net by doing things like going through all the news sources picking out stories he's interested in.

If he wants to know about something, he asks the AI to 'find out about 'Google Blogoscoped''. It scours the net for data but evaluates the quality of each result / source based on the characters known preferences. Then it sums up the response as a kind of personalised wikipedia article written specifically for him.

I see the Google of the future giving me search results the way the President gets daily security briefings. I ask a question and get back a concise, referenced article (with citations), emphasising sources that I'm likely to find more trustworthy and focusing on aspects I'm the most interested. that sort of personalisation would work for normal searches, job advice, or weekend plans. Scary, but useful!

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Perhaps like this mockup:

Reto Meier [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

:) Yep, that sort of thing – but with more AI.

That mockup (aptly titled 'Your Knowledge') tells me things that Google knows because I told it. A 'Your PDA's Opinion' result would read more like:

"The latest Rocky movie is 'Rocky Balboa'. It's pretty much the same as the last 6[1], so you're probably not going to enjoy it[2]. The first Rocky movie was decent though[2], and you enjoyed it when you last watched it[3]. If you're interested in watching Rocky I recommend that I add the original to the bottom of your rental list.

[1] Source: These movie descriptions you trust.
[2] Source: These critics whose opinions you've agreed with.
[3] Source: Your Rating"

I suppose what I'd like is for GoogleBot to start guessing my opinions based on my previous responses to its opinions :)

Reto Meier [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

...And continuing from that I want it to answer:

"What movie should I watch on Saturday with Jane, and when?"

"You're both busy until the evening on Saturday[1].

At Wimbledon there's a 7 o'clock screening of Zodiac[2] by David Fincher who directed Fight Club[3] that's one of your favorite films[4] or there's Spiderman 3 at 7:30[5] if you're up for something lighter[6].

Jane will most likely prefer Zodiac[7].

Further Actions:
>> Book tickets for Zodiac at 7
>> Book tickets for Spiderman 3 at 7:30
>> Ask Jane what she'd like to see with GTalk to Mobile

Josef Sábl [PersonRank 1]

18 years ago #

See: "The Why of Fry" Futurama episode.... Oh, my god, Google is going to destroy the universe....

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

And here's what the UK newspaper Independent comments on its frontpage:

<<Google is watching you – 'Big Brother' row over plans for personal database

Google, the world's biggest search engine, is setting out to create the most comprehensive database of personal information ever assembled, one with the ability to tell people how to run their lives.
In a mission statement that raises the spectre of an internet Big Brother to rival Orwellian visions of the state, Google has revealed details of how it intends to organise and control the world's information ...>>

[Thanks Justinf and Eliot B.!]

Ionut Alex. Chitu [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Very independent and objective. They should've just copied this article:

Ionut Alex. Chitu [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Quote from the Independent article:

<< A spokeswoman for the Information Commissioner said that because of the voluntary nature of the information being targeted, the Information Commission had no plans to take any action against the databases. >>

Reto Meier [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

If I could choose between the voluntary Google database and the 20+ CCTV cameras that track my every move from the minute I leave my house, I know which one I'd choose...

I find the UK is weird when it comes to 'Big Brother' scares. Anything resembling a database of information and the papers are up in arms, but ubiquitous CCTV cameras don't seem to bother anyone. Perhaps Google can suggest a way their database can be used to curb anti-social behavior and everyone will get right behind it...

Reto Meier [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

[put at-character here]Ionut: Indeed! Here's my response:

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