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Hong Xiaowan [PersonRank 10]

Wednesday, June 6, 2007
17 years ago3,694 views

I have blog, but I do not like repeated post at Google Blogoscoped.
I got a idea.

1.I posted on Google Blogoscoped Forum, Then Google Blogoscoped supplied xml export for my posts and replies,

2.Google Blogoscoped Forum support image upload. Haha.

3.Then I can use this xml on my blog, when I post on Google Blogoscoped, My blog will display the posts and replies automatically.

I tested on, based on Feedburner and Google AJAX Feed API

Why this API only display only four posts, how to display more?

Brian M. [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Hah, i've been doing this for years ;)

Hong Xiaowan [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

[put at-character here]Brian Mingus

Thank you. Could you please paste the code for display defined number of post, not only four via GOOGLE AJAX FEED API.

Best regards.

Brian M. [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

I was referring to the blog entry, not your comment. Sorry...

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