also released new player with some interesting innovative futures, like drag-and-drop support, and TV-set-like display settings |
Ionut & others on this forum already spotted this two or three weeks ago, now it's official. I understand that, if I do "pause", the thumbnails appears, but why do they appear when I click on the status bar to go to X minutes and X seconds? THAT is useless. |
It looks good... I can't say anything else till I try it a bit :) |
The changes are nice...but they're still lipstick on a pig. For me at least, the quality of the video is more important than anything else. I've have found that other services provide better quality embedded video from the exact same uploaded file.
I prefer Vimeo and on this page I uploaded the exact same home video to both Vimeo and YouTube and the quality difference is obvious: |
It's very obtrusive when it appears while a video is playing and you're just trying to jump ahead (as TOMHTML noticed). And it takes much too long to go away if this happens. Either there should be a button to keep it hidden, or it shouldn't appear until the video finishes.
And a lot of people are mad that it is the default and appears on all videos they've embedded so far. Just see the comments to the YouTube blog post about the feature:
I actually just posted about this including some snippets of the better comments and ways they can fix the new feature: |
Cannot wait to try it. I don' t see the feature yet but it should help to keep their users longer and longer!
To quote from some of the negative comments Niraj points to:
"Not very nice, very irritating, sorry."
"This is horrible, really ruins my blog, I have tried turning it off but it seems that WordPress fails to take in the rel=0 parameter"
"Yuck!!! This new feature sucks! Hella distracting like everyone said!"
"PLEASE take this feature OFF!!!!!! very annoying and distracting!!!! i HATE it."
"I don't think you should do this. With all the negative comments, I sure hope you put your site back the way it was."
I guess some people like the changes, though if the comments are any indicator many find this new interface too distracting. I second what Niraj said; it's confusing that it appears when you simply hover over the timeline (and then takes a while to disappear again). | Not sure if you have seen this, but the video player on has been updated as well, with a loading indicator before each video starts. |
Wrote a GreaseMonkey script for those want the old YouTube video player back. |
It seems that YouTube has given in. Now, it only displays related videos when users click on the menu button or when the video finishes. |