Using the Yahoo API, I created the Auto-Linker tool. Enter any text – like a blog post – to have it be auto-linked. The phrases are selected by Yahoo to be significant, and the link URLs are chosen by Yahoo as well (or Google, as alternate option).
Here’s a sample from one of my previous posts – all links have been automatically inserted:
“Peter S. Beagle wrote a follow-up story to his 1968 fantasy novel The Last Unicorn called Two Hearts. It is set half a century after the original story, and some characters reappear, though this isnt a strict sequel.
You can get a signed copy of Two Hearts if youre among the first 3000 who order the newly released unabridged audio version of The Last Unicorn read by Peter Beagle, with music by Jeff Slingluff. This is available as CD which will ship to you, or even easier, can be directly downloaded as 412 MB MP3 for $30 (the book is split into 14 files, one file per chapter, making for over 7 hours). The free edition of Two Hearts coming with any audio version is a special limited hardcover, preceding the storys appearance in the Fantasy and Science Fiction magazine this coming fall.
I ordered the audio version (a good podcast, I suppose), as Im a fan of the animated movie of 1982, the book, and even the America soundtrack by Jimmy Webb and the follow-up should be really interesting.”
The Yahoo API already covers news, images, web search, video search, spelling/ misspelling suggestions, local search, and cluster information. Now there’s a very cool new kid on the block: Content analysis/ Term Extraction. It analyzes a text you provide and returns a list of significant words or phrases from this text. While Yahoo suggests to use POST when requesting this information, GET will work as well for short queries. Here’s a sample query reading “ Superman in real life is Clark Kent, who cannot fly as good” (a third, optional parameter omitted here is “query” to help with the analysis). Yahoo will return “clark kent”, “superman” and “real life” in that order. is a blog offering a mostly negative look on Google.
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